7DPO and feeling strange


dont wanna get my hopes up but since O i have been feeling very unusual. day of o i had a lot of CM 1DPO i had stomache cramps ki d of like a stitch but in my left side. 2DPO -5DPO had a very hard bloatee belly, pains on and off all over belly, lower back ache, shoulder ache, tiredness, feeling slightly sicky, hot flushes then cold and just blergh. 6DPO i started getting twitches and movements as if i was feeling a baby moving inside me (i know its too soon to feel movements, thats just the only way i can describe it) plus im getting all the symptoms of the previous days. and today ( 7DPO ) I slept awful last night, couldnt lay on my sides as it hurt. kept waking up too. this is the 1st month ive felt like this. ( been TTC for 5 months ) is this all good signs or am i losing the plot. thabks for your advice :)