When to start taking prenatal vitamins?


So I have always thought that we should be taking prenatal vitamins when trying to conceive, as written on some prenatal vitamin bottles. However, a friend of mine said you shouldn't start taking it until the 2nd trimester as it would be 'too much vitamins' for the baby. In the 1st trimester, you should only take folic acid supplement. I have been taking prenatal vitamins since end 2012 while pregnant with #1, through 1 year of breastfeeding, then conceived #2 in 2014, through 1 year of breastfeeding, and since then have been ttc #3. I had a miscarriage in Dec 2016 (blighted ovum - sac is present but no baby developed inside). We are currently ttc #3 again and I'm still taking my prenatal vitamins. The comment my friend made caused me to think whether me taking prenatal vitamins for the past 5 years have somewhat caused the miscarriage. What do you think and when is the right time to start taking prenatal vitamins?