5 days late...

Venus • 34 years old. Married to my best friend. Ttc our first since 2015. Adopted our DS in 2021

typically have a 28 day cycle, on day 33 today. So I know I should test, however, I'm waiting for it to be 7 days late. Reason 1, I have been 5 days late before once. Reason 2, I have no symptoms of either pms or pregnancy, have only had this constant runny nose and plugged ears for the past 3 weeks. Reason. 3 is my sister who lives with me just started her cycles again last month since giving birth and Last month we started on the same day, within a couple of hours from eachother, and she still hasn't gotten hers this month either, so kinda waiting for her to before I get excited. husband and I are planning on talking to an adoption agency next month since the doctor's say it can be years before being able to conceive on our own due to scar tissue from endometriosis and polyps in the past. has been 2 years since ttc. so plans may change if I am preggo which I would be over the moon about but if I am not im also excited to start the adoption process. 😊😊😊