confused... fainting lines...


Confused... I'm still 3-4 days away from being due to start but yesterday and last night I had the urge to throw up multiple times (I am not a puker and even in past pregnancies nausea was never an issue) but we've been trying for almost a year now so I decided to take a test this morning. Right away I saw the top picture and was thrilled... We went out and did back to school shopping and when I came home I happily pranced into the bathroom to look at the test again but got very confused when I saw the bottom picture... We lost a baby a little over a year ago in my second trimester so this time around we've decided to not tell anyone until it's obvious and I'm well into the 2nd trimester. So I thought I'd hop on here and ask opinions of what you all thought as to why the lines faded like that? Even the control line is faded...