It's hard to stay positive sometimes..

Maria • TTC #1 ✨ Wife 💍 27 💕

Been married for 3 years. Have been trying since. Actually started <a href="">fertility treatment</a> one year ago. Through the fertility testing, found out I had hypothyroidism. Aside from the thyroid problem, labs for both hubby and I came back normal, uterus - normal. After completing HSG exam found out that both my tubes were blocked. My Dr. gave me the option of surgery to correct or have another opinion at another imaging center. I ended up going with the latter option. Had the second HSG exam in March..I was in the most excruciating pain, but the Dr doing the procedure said my tubes were open! I was in disbelief and had a hard time wrapping my head around the results and anxiously waited to see our fertility specialist. A couple weeks later, we met with our Dr at the fertility clinic & he confirmed the results. I was SO happy and hopeful because I thought "that's it.. that's all it was.. I WILL be pregnant in no time..." (mind you, I've been working with my PCP adjusting Meds to control my thyroid problem while all of this is going on) So we began talking options for <a href="">fertility treatment</a>, but unfortunately due to life and bills, hubby and I took the difficult decision to pause <a href="">fertility treatment</a> at that point in hopes that maybe just maybe it'd happen naturally for us.

It is now July and my hypothyroidism has been controlled for the past 2 months. I've been SO hopeful that despite us pausing the treatment, having had some time for my body to adjust to the thyroid medication, I'd get pregnant, but nothing. I know as far as the thyroid problem is concerned it's still pretty "soon" but I can't help but to feel so let down and frustrated with my own body. It's so hard to stay positive right now😔💔 AF is due tomorrow so that's probably why I'm extra sensitive and upset. Thanks for allowing me to vent.

Any positive thoughts? I could really use them.