Soon to be a mother of 3 maybe 4 😬


Hi everyone I'm new at this app. But I had twins when I was 19 and we had just gotten married and totally didn't plan. The twins are now nine and I always had the urge to have one more. I'm not going to lie but the girls are hands full. Making this decision was hard because with the girls it happened and now we actually planing and now that I'm older so much goes through my head. What if I don't get pregnant what if it's twins again what if I go into labor earlier... I'm stressing a little. I'm from Brazil and I don't have family in the USA so I'm planing to get pregnant in October 🀞🏻 what to do to get this thoughts off my head

Love ❀️ my little family πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘§