Sleep struggles


My daughter is 5 months old next week, she has never been a great sleeper. She slept for the first few months in her swing/ rock n play til she out grew it - we did get a couple months of 1030pm-7am then again til 1030 am while in those. Around 3 1/2 months she started to really struggle with sleep. First she regressed to a middle of the night waking before outgrowing her rock and play... we transitioned her to the crib at this age and she stArted waking and wouldn't settle after 3am so we would bring her into bed with us. She continued to regress, at first every time we laid her down she would violently kick her legs til she woke up, once she outgrew that (was only a week or so) she began rolling from back to front (still hasn't mastered front to back) and now at night she will sleep on her side but the minute she is in her crib and left alone she will roll onto her tummy - which would be fine if she didn't wake up crying every time she rolled! She will bury her face in the mattress then realize she can't breathe and lift her head, wake up and cry. I've tried blocking her from rolling, turning her head while she's on her belly... nothing works. I have to keep she beside me in our bed gently holding her legs so she can't roll off her side. The problem is our bed is pillow top and I'm scared one night she will roll face down and I won't feel her. She also is an awful napped. 30 minutes max (except every few weeks when she surprises me) only in the car or in my arms / beside me in bed. Does anyone have any advice or did anyone go through anything similar?