looking cycle buddy August 16


hi girls who is due August 16 I will like to share symptom and talk about when are we going to do the pregnancy test

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lady let's share the results it doesn't matter if it positive or negative
lady let's share the results it doesn't matter if it positive or negative


Carolina β€’ Aug 17, 2017
what's going on with you did your AF showed up already mine did thank God today officially came like the regular flow regular blood with a little tiny blood clots


Molly β€’ Aug 16, 2017
it's probably your body regulating itself after your mc. just keep track of your bleeding and see a Dr if AF doesn't arrive properly as they might advise you on what to do. my af is still not here and I've been having a pain on and off on my left side. don't know if this means anything but hoping for the best still!


Carolina β€’ Aug 16, 2017
my period usually starts like that you know a little bit like spotting it's like let you know okay I'm I'm coming and then with the hours pass by then I had the regular flow but nothing I'm waiting and waiting and I don't see anything just yesterday that I clean up myself I saw it you know very light the paper tissue that's it until nothing until now and he's already 11 a.m. in the morning that's really weird I'm a little bit concerned


Posted at
Hi girls I want to let you know thatI got my BFP TODAY thank you for being my buddy's in this journey


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Line progression so far. Didn't test today bc I ran out of tests. Baby due April 24th.


Katherin β€’ Aug 16, 2017
Thank you!!


Molly β€’ Aug 16, 2017
congratulations πŸ˜€πŸ’œ


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thr tww is passing so slow I don't know what else to do


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this is a slightly better photo


Carolina β€’ Oct 10, 2017
thank you I hope you get ur BFP SOON hun keep me update


Molly β€’ Oct 4, 2017
congratulations! I am so happy for you!! ❀ have a happy and health 9 months!! my AF is due on Sunday so I will test then if it doesn't arrive. I'll keep you updated


Carolina β€’ Oct 4, 2017
Hi I just want to let you know I got my BFP TODAY thank God


Posted at
So I hadn't commented but I got my BFP after the two week wait! But at 6 weeks had a Miscarriage. Come on ladies there is always hope and faith! If u didn't get your positive or of you had a journey like mine, your not alone. Sending love y'all!


Posted at
Hi! AF is due for me on the 17th. I took clomid this cycle and had an iui... but unfortunately I'm not feeling very optimistic! πŸ˜• also everyone around me is pregnant. Anybody else feel like that? I'm sure I'm not alone but... ugh!!


Lisa β€’ Aug 19, 2017
I'm still hanging in there with no af, maybe I'll break down and test tomorrow morning if nothing tonight. This def happened to me a few months ago and I was so upset! But I can't remember how late I actually was that time.


C πŸ’•πŸ‘ŒπŸ»βœ¨πŸπŸ‘ΆπŸΌπŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ β€’ Aug 19, 2017
Still no af for me but I had symptoms and now I don't except having to pee really bad all of a sudden. Tested not fmu and it was negative. Going to wait and test again tomorrow first thing. I bet af shows today or tomorrow though.


Lisa β€’ Aug 18, 2017
How's everybody going? I am late but definitely spotting. I expect it at basically any moment! I don't think I'll test unless it's like Monday and it still actually hasn't showed up.


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I'm due for AF on the 16th/17th! 1 week left of the TWW!


Carolina β€’ Aug 16, 2017
I'm going to try to find something like that in here in the US but I don't think I can find the exactly same as yours but thank you and I'm glad you did not show today maybe that's a sign but maybe you're pregnant let me know good luck


Molly β€’ Aug 16, 2017
the vitamins are called 'together whole bits for pregnancy' and they are made entirely from food sources with no additives. I've got them in the UK so don't know if you'd get them but you'd probably get similar ones.


Carolina β€’ Aug 16, 2017
I'm taking the regular prenatal vitamins the ones that you get over the counter and also when I found out that I was pregnant I went to this clinic and they gave me free prenatal vitamins but what do you mean natural ones can you please tell me the name of it so I can look for them thank you and yes we don't have to be discouraged you know my doctor say the average person it takes you know 6 months 3 months to 6 months to conceive and then up to a year it's normal after the year that's when she said that I need to leave I don't get pregnant in a year I need to come back and see her but she said no you have to try for a year before you get any concerns or anything but reading a lot of the comments in the women here and this app glow a lot of them takes a long time to get pregnant I mean more than I ever thought Nino I need to leave it concerning because I thought that always you know you get pregnant boom right away well you know it happened to me the first time that I was trying to TTC but I had an MC so he's not so easy I mean you think that you just boom get pregnant and then everything goes fine and he's really not like that I mean now you have concerns and you get worried and all the stress about you know getting pregnant I mean it's a lot of stuff you know for me like after having an MCC my body is reacting to it I'm having I'm not having my regular cycle my regular flow it's weird so we'll see and I am hundred percent sure that our baby will arrive at the perfect time not before and not after and the perfect time and always things happen for a reason life for me you know the baby didn't have to come to my life yet so I'm just waiting until God gives me that gift to be a mom we are strong woman we have to keep trying and don't lose hope


Posted at
Im due the 17th!


Carolina β€’ Aug 16, 2017
i was testing since 9dpo all bfn and af showed today


Lacy β€’ Aug 15, 2017
I tested yesterday morning it was a negative.


Carolina β€’ Aug 15, 2017
hi did you already test do you see any results


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