Don't know if I'm having pp depression or not

I've had a history of depression. I was on medication for it, but stopped because I was feeling better and have been fine since. But now having my baby I've had the same feeling and signs when I was depressed before. But I think it was more baby blues. Because I'm almost 7 weeks pp now and I don't have the same feelings/problems as I did a few weeks ago. But I also still get very down. I'm just having a lot of insecurities about my body/face. I'm alone a lot because of my boyfriends work schedule he works3rd. And I don't have any friends or anything so I get really depressed about that. And my insecurities are pretty bad. Just like i get really depressed about that to. To the point I really think I need counseling for it. And I cry a lot about these issues. But not sure if it's something to bring up to my doctor cause I don't think it's really depression? And I know they can refer you to counseling but I don't think it'd work out for me because I'll be in school full time and won't get home until 5-5:30(I live 30 min away) and I'd just hate to get home even later and not be with my baby. And because money wise, really can't afford it because my mom is going to pay my bills so I can go to school and she can afford my bills I have now but that's really it. I'm just not sure what to do and if it's something I need to bring up or not