Unplanned c section
I started off wanting an all natural, unmedicated birth. So here is my timeline and how I ended up getting a c section:
9:30pm 8/7- I was on the phone with my mom, getting ready to eat a late dinner. About halfway through my slice of jalapeño pizza, my water broke ALL over the floor. Everyone told me it's not like the movies, but mine was EVERYWHERRRE. I called my family and doula and the midwives at the hospital. Since the fluid was clear, they let me labor at home and told me to get some rest.
10:30pm 8/7- started having painful contractions, enough that I wasn't going to be able to sleep. My contractions were already 3 minutes apart and 1 minute in duration. After speaking to the midwife again and our doula, we were told to wait until I wasn't able to talk through my contractions
3:45am 8/8- after doing the miles circuit and showering for close to an hour, I was hurting bad. Could barely stand let alone talk through each one. We got ready to go to the hospital, fully expecting to be fairly far along.
4:15am- arrive at hospital, midwife checked my cervix, was only at 2cms and 60% effaced. I was so disappointed, it felt like all that pain was for nothing.
9:30am- after being checked and being at 4cm and having quadruple stacked contractions we decided to go for the epidural so I could get some sleep, I hadn't slept since Sunday 8/6. It hurt going in but less than the contractions and once it was in, I felt human again. Initially it wasn't working as well on the left, but they got it working :)
11am - after dozing and getting blood work, it showed my white count and temp were rising, not a good sign with a ruptured water. They started antibiotics as a precaution.
1pm- baby started to have dcells which was worrisome. I got switched halfway onto my left side and had oxygen put on. Measured at 6cm and 90% effaced
3:30pm - baby's heart rate started accelerating into tachycardic ranges. My husband had gone home around 1 to get some sleep and food. The doctor came in and told us that our best, safest option at this route was a c section. They also told me for the first time that he had passed meconium at 8am that day and was at huge risk now for infection, as was I. I still had barely rested, was still in pain from off the charts contractions that had gotten me to 8cm. Both the doula and the midwife felt that the only option we had left was the c section. I panicked. My husband wasn't there, I started hyperventilating and crying because I was so disappointed that my body just couldn't get him there fast enough. The doctor agreed to wait until my husband got back to do the surgery.
4pm- as soon as my husband arrived and was apprised of the situation, they sent us back. Not going to lie, I was terrified. I had done no research on c sections because I thought I wouldn't need one. At this point my epidural was acting up again and I was so scared that I'd end up feeling the surgery. They loaded me up to the point I couldn't move my legs and it finally stuck all around.
4:34pm- my baby boy was born. We attempted skin to skin but his color was poor and he wasn't breathing much if at all. Seeing my boy come out grey was so scary. My husband went with baby to be worked on while they finished seeing me up. I ended up having really bad referred pain in my chest from them sewing up my stomach, so even after baby boy started crying, I couldn't do skin to skin. Once they finished they put baby next to me and moved us back into l&d.;
I am so grateful that my boy came through, his respiratory issues are gone and he already latched! All in all, just remember that it doesn't matter how you become a parent. All that matters is putting their health of firs


Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.