Do you believe in superstition?


I've just had the most vivid dream ever 😕. I dreamt that I went for my transvaginal ultrasound and the nurse said there's 'his' nose. I said what are you on about and she replied that I was 16 weeks pregnant and then did an external ultrasound to show me and I burst into tears of happiness. I told her I was confused because I didn't get a positive pregnancy test and that my 'periods' where still happening and she said well 'he' is right there look at his little nose.

Then my alarm rudely woke me up 😑. I wonder why she was so fixed on 'his' nose? And why it was a little boy? Also I saw 4 magpies on Sunday and at work today I have 4 magpies around me again. (4 for a boy) if you know the rhyme.

Could this be the sign?? Could this be it?? Af due on Monday and I'm getting period like crampy feeling today 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻