Unexpected surprise

Kara • Mom of one amazing boy, and now expecting our miracle baby (4/2/18)

It's been over 7 years since I found out I was pregnant with my son. Been ttc for a couple of years, and we were told chances of conceiving without <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> are slim to none. This weekend we went out for some craft beers and wine, and I had a massive hangover after 3 lighter beers. I knew it was odd, and then my left boob started to get sore (only my right boob gets sore prior to af). I randomly tested Monday with no hopes for a positive. And the positive line showed up dark and instantly! Now we are waiting for our appointment on the 25th to get an ultrasound to make sure implantation is where it should be.

EDD 4/14/18