boyfriend? friends with benefits problems


okay so this guy, ill adress him by N. we were dating for a few months and he made me so happy. then at the beginning of august, he broke up with me because he needed time to find himself which i respect and i understand one hundred percent. he admits that he still has feelings for me, and i admit i have feelings for him as well. so N took my virginity when we first started dating, and he wasnt a virgin whenever he took it. and im questioning whether or not i was special to him, if he was just using me for my virginity and then left shortly after. i just dont know how to feel about the situation and im sad, confused and mad and all of these other emotions combined and i feel like throwing up. and we're on the friends with benefits side i guess, we do sexual stuff like send eachother nudes and dirty talk eachother. i don't know if i should confront him about it or just shrug it off because we're not a thing anymore. advice please ;;