Potty accidents

Susan • 25 | 🌈 Lillian Grace | 🍯 Due 9.17

My 7 year old step son has started peeing and pooping himself ALL THE TIME when he's at our house. He won't stop watching TV or playing games long enough to go to the bathroom. We have to turn the TV off and take the phone away and force him to go to the bathroom. Then he gets mad, not because he had an accident and now has to be cleaned up, but because he can't watch TV while he does it.

I don't know what to do about it. We've tried taking tv and game time away, setting timers to make him go, making him sit on the toilet for so much time and nothing is working.

He says he's scared of the bathroom because of "spiders" but there has never once been a spider in our bathroom. I'm starting to worry something is going on when he's away from our house.