Trying to Stay hopefully and positive after 2 losses...


My partner and I are TTC after 2 losses. The first loss I was about half way through my pregnancy and had to deliver my unborn son. It was the saddest time if my life. The second time was early on and I had to have a D&C; done. I was so sad again that I couldn't believe it happened a second time. I've been a preschool teacher and a nanny for the past 15 years and currently a part time nanny raising everyone else's loving, teaching, comforting them (I love it my job) but I'm so ready to have one of my own. I have a twin sister who has 2 healthy children, my doctor says I will be able but it's hard to think it might not happen but I'm hoping and praying and trying to stay positive. Does anyone else feel this way? Or please send some positives vibes my way! Thank you! 💖