mom life


so Saturday... left LO with Grandma for 30 min... while I went to the store to exchange a dress we got for our DD... anyways so I left in a hurry since I EBF (it was during her nap time) so I decided I won't be long... I left didn't matter whatever I was wearing lol... I get to JCP and got what I was exchanging and left to the line... as I was in line I felt wet from my chest... so I thought of I'm leaking... whatever it happens but when I looked down I noticed I had FORGOTTEN to put on my bra!!! so I put my hand across my chest and put my hair down lol but honestly I gave up and didn't care cause I had to hurry so I exchanged it and ran to the car omg I was embarrassed at first but I didn't care after cause this is my LOs food and I had no time to cover I had to hurry cause LO was about to wake up!!! anyways just wanted to share lol