ldr boyfriend


me and my boyfriend have been in a long-distance relationship for the past year-and-a-half. he's a very shy guy who has a hard time sending pictures being on video but he will from time-to-time with me we've only been able to see each other twice this past year and a half year but have always texted and called as much as possible. about a month ago he got a new job and he works all the time we barely communicate now. I get so insecure but he's maybe talking with somebody else. he swears but I am the only girl he talks to on his video chat and maybe I am just being insecure but he changed his profile picture the other day to himself which he never does and now I am worried he is talking to someone on there do you think that I am being crazy or that I have reason to worry? any time that I've been out there to see him he has always been all about me and not caring about his phone or anything. But I still have horrible anxiety about it.