Colic or just a bad feed?


My lo will be 3 weeks tomorrow, today (well yesterday) after my SO fed him (he was half asleep he says and the bottle kept slipping out and he said our son was still sucking and he could hear the air going down he he wouldn't stop) he cried for 3 hours straight after, we took him to the doctor (they changed his formula since he was showing signs of acid reflux) and I was told to use gas drops in his formula. After we got home from the doctor, I made his bottle but he was falling asleep and it was hard trying to get him up to eat the bottle. He eventually got up and he ate the whole bottle and he burped VERY well and he would fart as well. We did this every feed throughout the day and his last feed he didn't have any issues eating and going back to sleep (nice burps as well). I'm just so nervous because I've never dealt with a colicky baby and I don't want to mess up.

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