Friend's cat is giving me hell!!!!! 👿👿😾😾

🦄 harley the creature 🦄 • bi | artiste | music addict | just birthed my first baby boy

My friend is getting married in 3 months and I agreed to take care of her cat until then. She's moving in with her parents for the time being and they won't allow cats there. Anyway, this cat is really sweet, but all he does is HOWL and scratch at the door all night long. I give this cat tons of attention all day but he still won't stop!!!

I'm not getting paid to take care of him, and 3 months is a long time.....

I've followed every instruction online on what to do in this situation and there has been no improvement. I've completely ignored his noise (like most sites suggested) and that's making no difference. I can't keep laying awake for hours for someone else's cat any more but I don't know what to do!!