This baby brain is making me insane!

Lily β€’ 26 β€’ Married β€’ Noah 13-01-18 πŸ’™ β€’ Alice 16-12-19 πŸ’— β€’ Elias 27-12-21 πŸ’™

I knew today was going to be a bad day when I got to work and realised I'd left my handbag at home oops πŸ˜©πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ I felt like a complete idiot.

Every time I've gone to do something I've completely forgotten what it was, or got distracted mid way through!

And now I feel so spaced out I'm not even sure I'm going to be able to drive myself home! Oh I hope I feel better before home time 😩

Someone please tell me I'm not the only one.