what's happening?? TMI (help!)

So Tuesday at 2pm I had a sweep done at 39+2 and 1 cm dilated. My OB said he is very low and she was touching his head. I was a little crampy but nothing major afterwards. 
Then yesterday afternoon I began getting period like cramps.. a couple hours later around 7pm I lost 2 big pieces of my mucous plug which were a browny red colour. I was thinking this may just be from the sweep.. then around 830pm after I got my daughter to bed the contractions started. They felt different from the usual BH I had. They started in my lower back, wrapped around to my lower abdomen then travelled up my belly. I had 40+ contractions within 3.5 hours that ranged from 7-1.5 mins apart and 30-1.5 seconds long. I called L&D and they said this could be it and I could go in to be monitored but it was up to me. It was late and I have a four year old so I decided to wait it out to see what would happen as I really didn't want to be sent home. 
I ended up falling asleep around 1am and woke up periodically with period like cramps but seemed like the contractions subsided. 
Now, waking up this morning I had the shakes and felt sick to my stomach and just uncomfortable in general. Went to the washroom and wiped to find more light brown blood. But no contractions this morning. 
Anybody have any idea what's going on? Is this the start of labour or just teasing me???