Cute relationship stories


I like hearing about how people got together or what caused the ball to start rolling on the relationship. It makes me happy to hear them, and I find them so exciting. I'll start with mine:

Well, when I was 12 years old and I just got into 7th grade I became really close friends with my best friend now. Her mom was dating my uncle at the time, so I would ride the bus home with her to my uncles house. As soon as I was walking to the seat, I look up and i see this boy. The first thought that goes through my head is literally "holy fucking shit, he's hot as balls." I asked my best friend what his name was, and she couldn't remember it. So I just kept looking back at him smiling and when he looked up, I looked away and started laughing. (He told me a couple days ago that he thought I was making fun of him) I figured I was never going to have a chance with him, because he was sooo attractive and I was sooo a thumb. A couple weeks later she remembered his name, and I added him on Facebook. Nothing came out of that yet. I kind of tried dating other people to try and get him off my mind, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't shake my feelings or get him off my mind. A couple years pass, now I'm about to be a freshman in high school. We start talking officially on July 22, 2015 (this was the day I planned on killing myself bc I was so depressed and suicidal anyways back to the story) I'm sitting a table next to him, and I hear his "friends" calling him gay and stuff. I can clearly tell he's not happy about it, who would be. So I told his friends off, and i told him he could sit at my table if he wanted to. He didn't. We start talking more and more everyday, and I would always have to message him first. I asked him out a couple of times, all being declined because he didn't want to be hurt again. I tried and tried to convince him that i am not, because I'm not. We would hang out a lot together, as friends with our other friends. They were like you guys need to date already. We went back roading with friends, and we were playing stripes (a game where when you see the shiny things on a guardrail you have to hit the roof, and the last person to hit it has to take a piece of clothing off) I was down to just my jeans and a tank top. He was down to just jeans. He told me the other day that he was thinking in his head "miss another one". A couple days after that, he and his friend got into a wreck going to school for welding. It was awful, and if he wasn't wearing his seatbelt he would be dead. That was such a bad day for me, I cried and cried and cried until i heard from him. After I found out he was okay, I was okay too. I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere with him or like I was the only one trying , so I stopped texting him first and I stopped asking how his day was and stuff. He messages me a long ass paragraph saying how he's sorry for everything and how he thinks he made me hate him and how he won't let it happen again and that we need to hang out. I started texting him again. Two days later, I get a message saying "what is it that you see in me that makes you like me so much?" My reply was "Honestly, David, I see everything in you. I see everything about you and it just makes me speechless." He asked me out on October 11, 2015 at 7:34 pm and right after he did that I broke my toe trying to get out of my bed to tell my parents because I was soooo happy and this was the first someone has wanted me as much as I wanted them.. last year for our one year he got me a promise ring. It'll be two years in October, I still feel the exact same i did the day i first laid eyes on him, and beings it has never changed I doubt it ever will. He is the love of my life.

If you read through this entire paragraph, you are my favorite. If not, you're okay. Lol. It won't hurt my feelings I just like talking about him.

Post yours in the comments, I love hearing stories like this. 😍

Our first picture together 😍😍

Our latest picture together. 😍😍

His truck after he wrecked into that tractor going 60 mph. Our first couple of memories happened in that truck. 😌