Spotting from 7dpo

Sarah-Jane • TTC 16 months💏We did it🤰🏽Sophie born 10/7/18💕

So been TTC for a year nearly (I'm 35 with a 10 year old daughter) my partner had low sperm count a few months ago but a 2nd test has shown a big increase and had I've the following tests;

21 day bloods (done twice) I'm ovulating and progesterone was about 40

Thyroid - perfect

Smears - perfect

No cervical erosions


Perimenopause - not going through that

Transabdominal scan - no fibroids, endo, cysts. Lining is perfect. Still have eggs. No blockages

Waiting on my HSG test on 18th Aug

My question is for the past 7 cycles I have spotted anywhere from 7dpo until AF or a few cycles started at 9/10dpo. Its just a tiny amount of light brown/dark brown on my panty liner or most times when I wipe then my period starts right on time (26-28 day cycles)

I have been to my fertility doctor twice who says there's nothing to worry about and it will just be due to a progesterone drop as I'm not preg? But surely if I'm spotting that soon and do get preg the egg won't be able to attach? I have tried high dose Vitamin b6/Vit B12 and progesterone cream. I'm at my wits end now, I wear a panty liner for like 6 days before AF then have to wear pads for AF for 5 days. I have no pain with my period or clots as such

Any ladies had this before or any ideas? I've scoured the internet and not finding a whole lot of answers just all questions!