For all those who think this is what worrying feels like...


I want to start by saying this is not a post to bash parenting or anything.

I wanted to give this a try to help loosen the mood and give some of us more "seasoned" mommies a spot to share stories about times we realized pregnancy was the "easy" part.

I have had two miscarriages, so I totally understand the panic of not knowing what your body is doing. I'm not trying to take away from that...

just trying to lighten things up.

1.What was a time you realized you had no clue what you were doing?

2.Share a time your kids made you shake your head and think wtf!?!

3.A story where you felt helpless for your child

4.A time you remembered it's all worth it

5.A piece of advice you wish you'd known your first time around.

This is meant to be fun, I hope you'll participate!