I hate my body

Karla • 26. Married. Momma to 2 baby girls ❤️

I was doing fine. I used to struggle with super low self esteem during my teen age years because I was STICK SKINNY, then I grew up (gained healthy weight) and worked out and I loved my body, NOW I'm 24 and yesterday I found this picture of myself and I am back to looking worst than the picture on the left... I had a baby and that's when everything changed but I can no longer use the "I had a child" excuse. She is 2 years old so I had plenty of time but I just can't seem to find motivation. I have tried to diet and workout and never last more than a few days. It's so hard!!! And I hate how my body looks now. I'm insecure all over again but this time it's because I gained weight.

I feel disgusting, idk why I let it happen.

Idk what to do. And idk why I'm posting this. I guess I'm just ranting /: