My husband doesn't make me feel beautiful...

Calina • Married to a wonderful man. Proud mommy of Kylen 9/29/2011 and my Angel baby Adrienne born sleeping on 9/24/2009. Pregnant! due 9/7/2015.
I see on this app all the time the things that husbands and boyfriends say to their women, and I can't help but feel really low about myself and my husband never ever tells me I'm sexy or beautiful...if I never initiated sex we wouldn't have it (which we've gone a whole year without it before)..I feel so neglected and hideous. I just exist to him....I don't know if it is him or me. I've talked to him until I'm blue in the face about this. It never changes. It's been 8 years, and it has never changed. I'm sick of feeling ugly. I already have such low self esteem and he doesn't help. How do I change this? I know he isn't cheating because with everything we have been through there would be no reason at this point to keep it from me. Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling this way?!