The glow community.

I would like to share my appreciation towards the kind women who give their absolute best response with kind words. It makes me happy to see a community full of love and support. It's such a mood enhancer to see topics about women flaunting their beauty, the compliments and upvotes flatters us. It's different from other social media sites, take Instagram for example. Ladies post pictures here and it's not about liking the picture it's about expressing what you like in that picture to the poster. It's not about how many people follow you because you're posting in forums for anyone to see.. and to see how many wonderful people come together to help in the utmost way is heart warming. I'm not just talking about pictures either, we're here to comfort as well. To help women who are pregnant, ttc, or preparing to start ttc and so on. The help given is wonderful, the support and encouraging words can really change someone's day. Thank you to all of you wonderful positive flowers! Have an amazing day/week. ❤️