When did you tell your boss?

Moose-82 • 34, Canada 🇨🇦 Mother to baby Gabriel born February 15, 2018. TTC 5 years with RPL. 5 MCS and 1 NTD. IVF 7 PGS embryos, FET #1 failed, FET #2 June 2017 Immune protocol, baby aspirin, progesterone, HCG injections

When did you tell your boss you were pregnant?

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I have not yet told my boss due to the fact that I am a 2nd grade teacher at the age of 22 and am on summer break. I also know that I am only 4 weeks along and don't want to risk anything happening to the baby.

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I didn't. 😉

• Jul 4, 2018
Ok maybe my sarcasm didn’t translate well 😶. I never officially told anyone at the office but of course it became obvious I was expecting, so I just made plans for my maternity leave... 🤔🤷🏾‍♀️


alondra • Jul 3, 2018
So what about when you had your baby ?


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I told my boss this past Monday at 5weeks. I plan on announcing after my first appointment on the 23rd and wanted to let my bosses know first since I just came back 7months ago, after taking a year off to be with my at the time newborn.


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I told my boss at 7 weeks and she couldn't have cared less. She talked only about herself. When I came back after maternity leave she lectured me about how being a mom is "a small piece of what I do" now and I'll fit that part of my life in after my work. 🙄 She has no idea that by baby girl is my life.


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Im 12 weeks and havent said anything! 😳 it makes me anxious. I think im waiting till week 16-20 🙈😂


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I told them at 4 weeks but am in a very different situation than most because I am a nanny. I figured open communication with them was the best choice and it worked out for the best. I think it really depends on your kind of job!


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I told my boss after the first appointment I had, when I was almost 9 weeks. With my first pregnancy I waited until 12 weeks, but I have to travel slightly more now for work so I wanted to make sure she knew in case an emergency happened and I needed time off suddenly. It ended up working out in my favor to tell earlier this time because I need to renew my CPR certification and it'll be easier to do it next week when I'm just shy of 11 weeks rather than in December when I'm 30 weeks (the only 2 classes I'd be able to attend).


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Yes I had to tell my boss because I am high risk, I am high risk and therefore need the freedom to take off time when I need to and also I am due to have a lot of appointments and could do without the added stress of my boss questioning me


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15 weeks


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I am considered high risk with this pregnancy and have a 14 month old daughter. All that said, double the appointments between my ob-gyn and the mfm doctor and my daughter's check-ups! I told him right after my first appointment because it was going to hard to hide otherwise!