Men... help me out


Long story short, I feel like my husband is hiding something on his phone. Sometimes I wonder if he's talking to his ex (he loves her kids) or if he's still chatting to this young girl at his work (he says it's all innocent and they just talk crap). Either way, something's up. He flips his phone screen down all the time. Clicks out of messages as I walk by, and just a little while ago he slid his phone under a blanket as I sat down beside him on the couch. I want to bring it up but I hate feeling this way. Jealous, insecure, confused etc. it brings back memories of how my sack of shit ex treated me. I love my husband and I hate conflict. But I have to know why he's being secretive with his phone. It's driving me crazy. Help! How do I start this conversation without coming across as crazy!