EXPLANATION BELOW How do you feel about the marriage equality postal plebiscite in Australia?


For those not in the know, Australia is having a non-compulsory postal plebiscite, where every citizen on the electoral roll will be sent a survey to decide on whether we should have marriage equality.

Another option is having a free vote in parliament, which is what the more liberal major party wants (called Labor), which would be inexpensive and immediate, but wouldn't involve the direct voice of he people. However, the party in control, the conservative Liberal Party, refuse to have a free vote as stalling tactic, and instead want to ask the people, even though every poll for the last 10 years has said that we want marriage equality. Originally, this was going to be a normal plebiscite, which would be compulsory (as elections and referendums are in Australia are), but non-binding, as the extremely conservative people in the party refuse to vote for marriage equality even if the people say yes. It was going to cost $525million. The compromise is now the postal plebiscite, which isn't compulsory and disadvantages young people because who the fuck uses mail? We are more likely to not have an updated address or to not have an address. Also, neutral yes-voters are less likely to vote, swinging in favour of the hard-conservatives. It will be $122million

So basically the options are:

Wait until 2019 (at the earliest - the next election) for Labor to get into government and pass an inexpensive legislation

Just go with the $122million postal plebiscite that will swing the vote into conservative favour as young people will be disadvantaged and neutral people (who most likely would vote yes if compulsory) don't need to vote. It's also non-binding, but we'd probs get marriage equality but 2018 (bad idea, and wish we could have a free vote, but it's be too long)

Go with the $525million plebiscite and get everyone's pov, even if it's non-bndig and we know the majority wants marriage equality

The postal is the best option as a free vote doesn't let the people have a say (actually think it's a good idea)


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