PCOS sucks!!

I was on birth control since I was 18. At 28 my husband and I decided it was time to try for a baby so I quit taking bc. After 6 months of no luck I went to the DR and was diagnosed with PCOS. This was in March 2017. I had/have all the classic symptoms: hirsutism, hairloss, cystic acne, string of pearl cysts on my ovaries and high testosterone (192). Instead of taking metformin I chose go the natural route and instead rely on spearmint tea, myo and dichiro (I like to call them), peony and prenatals. Bam! T dropped down to normal and main cyst was gone. Now I'm on my usual stuff, plus metformin and vitex.... But still no ovulation. Nothing. Zilch. Never thought I'd be jealous of women who can simply ovulate. I know I'm early in my journey, but damn, what I wouldn't give just to ovulate. Every day is a new struggle. And most days I wonder if God is just waiting for me to accept that a baby is not in His plans.