Molar Pregnancy to TTC again

Tee • Im here to support my wife

Hey Ladies.

I had a molar pregnancy 11 months ago and after the D&C my period went back to normal after 2 months and have been regular like clock work. I am ready and we are TTC #1 again (Excited). After my D&C and follow up all levels were down and back to normal and doc said I could try again immediately or take some time and heal emotionally-So I did & decided to wait.

Anyone have a Molar Pregnancy and have any updates since their experience?

There are 2 types I had a Partial Molar Pregnancy:

Partial molar pregnancy. An egg is fertilized by two sperms.  If an abnormal embryo does begin to develop, it will quickly die because of the rapidly growing mass of abnormal tissue filling your uterus.