4 weeks pregnant 😍 but the fear of loss is overshadowing


I found out I'm pregnant on Monday and was thrilled! I mean I've wanted this for so long I thought I'd be on cloud 9!!! And I was for about 30 seconds. Then the fear kicked in, the fear of loosing what I've spent years wanting so deeply. My mum told me to rid my self of negative thoughts as it can invite negativity. Well that's hard and scared me. I kept thinking about what if I don't hear the heart beat? What if it's ectopic ( I only have one ovary and tube) what if what if what if. WHAT IF?!

The past few days have been a whirl wind sapping the joy from this amazing time. So I decided to stop. My body is in good shape, me and hubby are 26 eat well and take all our vitamins. If something happens it's out of our control. So instead I've decided to pray. Not for the magic to give me a healthy child in 8 months. But for the strength to get past my own fears and give me the tools I know I have to overcome any hurdles that we may come across. Our path is here and I am content with what it holds.

To try get my mind in a more positive place I've focused on my husband. The most kind, loving, supportive and caring person I have ever met. Focus on my love for him and our future together.

As the months tick by hopefully it will all become more real that in 8 months there may very well be a child here in between us on the sofa that we can also love unconditionally 💖❤️

I hope this helps anyone with the same problem I have had!

Lot of love