38 weeks and some odd days đź’™

Bee • Mommy™️, mother of two, fiancée, Baby 3 due 6/8, its a girl! 💗💗💗

Spent this last weekend being a little more active than normal. I did some dancing(about 30 minutes of it), more walking than normal, and travelled out of town to visit where my cat is being fostered at, and that was apparently enough to encourage baby to come out.

When I went to my Saturday(the 5th) appointment and they said my next appointment was going to be the 11th, I knew that I wouldn't be at that one. And when my doctor said wives tales don't work, I was kind of determined to show him how wrong he was.

So Monday around 2 am my water broke in bed.

I woke up and thought "do I have to pee? Am I already peeing? Am I peeing on cameron(my partner)???"

When the fluid kept continuously gushing out I realized what was happening, and slapped my partner awake.

"Either my water broke or I'm peeing on you" I said to him. He started to hyperventilate and panic, and what he remembers is that he was falling back asleep.

He finally woke up and I had him go downstairs to wake his mom. I think we finally left for the hospital around 3:30 in the morning.

We got there, I labored for a little while before I realized there was no way I'd last without an epidural. I waited for about an hour while the anesthesiologist was in the OR, then I got the epidural and slept for a little while.

Then, just my luck, it started to wear off. I had to get three or four different lidocaine boosters from the anesthesiologist throughout the labor. I dealt with some terrible pain that I was literally screaming from, and the nurse would come in and push whatever "button" there was for my epidural which did little to nothing every time she did it.

I was able to sleep again for a little while and I woke up because I was feeling intense pressure and had to have my partner get the nurse, and I was at a nine finally (it took about 18 hours). She said it would be another hour before I was at a 10, but it actually only took 15 minutes or so before my body started pushing involuntarily, and we had to have the nurse come back. My doctor was in the OR so the nurse was telling me not to push.

Kind of frustrating because it's not like I really had any choice to try and hold him in at that point.

When it was time to push I was completely exhausted from trying to not push, and I could feel pain and coldness in my chest. My eyes were rolling back and my pushes got weaker, but they kept having me push with every contraction even though I didn't feel ready.

When I actually felt ready and listened to my body and pushed, it took six pushes and he came out fast. He didn't immediately cry, but he was completely aware. Honestly he's still not much of a crier.

So, Asa McKinley Adams was born at 9:05 pm on August 7th. He was 5 lbs 15 oz and 19 inches long. He surprisingly looks a lot like me, even though on his ultrasounds he appeared more like his dad.

Edit: I forgot to mention, I had a first degree tear and bled pretty bad(they had to stuff gauze inside of me overnight).

I also threw up multiple times, and threw up while pushing(helped to push him out).