My baby boy decided to make his appearance 2 weeks early

Tianna • I'm just a mom

My baby boy decided to make his appearance 2 weeks early. Born August 12 @ 2:26pm. Weighing 5lbs and 8 ounces measuring 18 inches. Strong, healthy, handsome and my forever best friend. My world completely changed today we are so happy and in love with our son Logan Micheal 💙 I called out of work and went to the ER Thursday as I lost my mucus plug that morning and had constant contractions....sent me home as I was only 3cm dialated (and once I got to the hospital the contractions halted 😒)..they told me after monitoring me for an hour that my contractions needed to be every 5 minutes of course or I should be 5cm dialated as I was on 3cm when they checked my cervix.....So I came back to the ER 11:30pm the next day with my boyfriend and was sent back home again at 1:30am as I was only 3 1/2 cm and had "irregular contractions" this time.....When we walked to the car and drove home the contractions got stronger and felt like they were a minute apart...I get home to constant unbarable contractions but tossed and turned and crawled around my house in pain until hours passed...couldn't sleep or take the pain anymore and knew this time was definitely no false alarm so I yelled to my boyfriend to call an ambulance and they took me back to the ER....within them sending me home the 2nd time at 3 1/2 cm I was now 8cm within the few hours I came back home. I was at home in early labor...if I didn't ask my boyfriend to call 911 I probably would of had the baby at home. They took me into labor and delivery right away (I just made it in time to get an epidural). After the epidural kicked in I felt amazing...they broke my water as I reached

ey told me as so i hit 10cm we'd start pushing and by that afternoon the love of my life entered the world. Im still in shock and completely obsessed with my son 💙