Worst and the best experience all in one..

Gemma • Mum of 3 and pregnant with number 4

I thought it was about time I shared my story while I have a few minutes.

I went into hospital on Friday 4th August ready to be induced. The hospital was crazy busy that weekend with babies being born so it ended up being Sunday by the time it was finally my turn.

I went down to labour and delivery at 2pm on Sunday 6th August and things got going pretty quickly. By 3pm my waters had been broken and I'd had my bloods done and been equipped with a Cannula for any drugs I may of needed. Nothing happened for a couple of hours after that so at 5pm they started my hormone drip. Within minutes my contractions stated and I was so relieved. The midwife came in half an hour later and doubled my dose on the drip, now things were really moving.. contractions were getting really intense at this point. At 7pm after having the drip doubled every half an hour things didn't feel right (I already had 2 children) so I told my husband i needed help and something was wrong. Within a few seconds my midwife was there and let the trainee midwife check me over.. she didn't have a clue what she was doing and told the midwife I wasn't fully dilated. I can't remember much after that really due to being sedated but my husband told me i stared pushing just after that. My baby's heart stopped due to the stress of it all and how fast it happened, seconds later there were 10+ people in the room and I was rushed down to surgery. They managed to pull her out with forceps and do their magic on her. She was born at 7:32pm. We're very lucky to have her here today due to the doctors quick thinking.

May i add that this stupid midwife didn't check me once the while time I was contracting even though I was on the monitor and she could see I was having bad contractions every 2 minutes. She's currently going through the process of explaining herself to the hospital about why she put both of our lives in danger.

My beautiful Maddison 6/8/17 19:32