that was the most painful yet empowering thing I've ever done


When my husband and I started trying to get pregnant, I had decided to go water birth; all natural. this was to be my last kid. with my first 2 with my ex husband, I was NEVER given a choice or control with my births. he was very abusive and controlling. my husband and I got pregnant on thanksgiving day. (had many 'stuffed your turkey' jokes). I had the worst morning sickness for 3 1/2 months. then had maybe 3 weeks of normalcy, then moved into acid reflux that I couldn't relieve hardly. I lost weight. I was 211lbs on thanksgiving. Yesterday, I weighed 189lbs. I couldn't hardly eat for months. I started to have timable contractions yesterday at 2am. I woke up my husband at 4am. after 4 doses of Black cohosh, I was at 5cm....but water was still intact. I opted to let my midwife break it. shit got real after that. contractions were hardcore. I got in the at tub 8cm. I was in legit pain. I was doing guttural growling because it gave me more focus than screaming. I was in intense pain. my husband was crying, as was my mom. they hated seeing me so hurt. I got on my knees and pushed. it was so hard. I felt him....i felt his head. I suddenly had mutant strength. i got him out and that relief of feeling his entire body pulled from my body was incredible. I was exhausted...but I felt like a fucking super hero. only a 1st degree

tear. Bram. 9lbs 1oz 22inches