Deleting Information...

Tee • Im here to support my wife

So I recently started using this app. And have enjoyed it....

Yesterday I was responding back to a lady about her fertile days and I was advising her that I was using a different app and using a opk and when I was testing on the days for the other app all my tests were coming back positive and once I began using glow all of my tests came back negative on the suggested fertile days. so I suggested her using both apps to ensure that her fertile days are accurate because in my case glow was not correct. This morning I log onto glow to check some posts that I had made and to update my daily logs and all of my information on my calendar have been completely deleted and I think that was glow making a statement.

I'm not here to bash I enjoy the <a href="">glow app</a> because of the women who are using the app and it's easier and funner to communicate with everyone when I have questions and want advice but what happened was not cool...Good thing I have a back up synced.