Okay need some help and some opinions... I have adhd and I was perscribed vyvanse... I don't take it everyday just the days that my focus really needs to be on point... (I don't like taking medication not even ibuprofen unless I absolutely have too) me and my hubs are ttc and I just want your opinions on taking my vyvanse while we are ttc now of course when we do conceive and I watch everything closely after ovulation I stop taking it until my temps start dropping and I can take it again or if I know that we didn't get to try that month I'll continue to take it (hubs works outta town a lot) I have a really good job and they beware with me when I'm not taking it but I don't wanna press my luck since they will have to deal a whole nine months without me being medicated. What do u think take my vyvanse sparaticly like I usually do everything will be fine or should I stop taking it while trying to conceive ??? Opinions appreciated!