Total denial.

Brittanie ♎️ • Mother of 3. 💗💙💙

Guys, I'm in total denial right now. My husband and I decided to have a go at baby #2 a few weeks ago. I thought it would be a long process. It took 6 years to be blessed with our now 13 month old daughter.

I had so many signs that it was going to be our time, but logically in denial because of how long it took for our first. My cat was acting different, people at the store were asking me when I'm due (umm I'm just fat), and I was fully excepting my fate that it wasn't in the cards this month. I was going to wait 3 more days until AF decided to rear her ugly head, but impatience got the best of me.

Looks like we're having baby #2 at the end of April beginning of May!