Birth control craziness

Hey everyone I am 19 years old! I just got married! Yes at a young age but age doesn't matter! Anyway, when I was 16 my parent put me on the depo shot! I just got off of it in October 2014 because we finally put 2 and 2 together that was my cause of headaches! With that being said I got switched to the pill. (At the time we wasn't married so I was all for birth control ) well when I got put on the pill  I was having black outs woke up in the ditch and couldn't remember how I got there...well went back to doctor to see what to do next they told that I wasn't able to be put on birth control due to my reactions... So they go on to tell me that with me not being able to be on birth control to prepare myself because it's only a matter of time til I'm pregnant! Put me on all the prenatal vitamins and everything!!! Has this ever happened to anyone??? I'm so confused!!!