
Okay so the only reason I'm telling y'all this story is I hope no one ever has to deal with the pain I am currently experiencing. Because believe me I don't think I've ever been this embarrassed and trust me ive more than my fair share of embarrassing stuff. So to give this story a little extra embarrassing backstory two days ago my boyfriend and I were being intimate and long story short he accidentally cut me (my vagina) with his finger nails. Today I made tacos for dinner, with the tacos I sliced a jalapeño, as a note I hate spicy food and only did it for the other people that ate dinner. Washed my hands two maybe three times, because we all know how deadly the juice can be if it gets on skin, needless to say a few hours later I went to the bathroom and wiped with why I thought was a jalapeño juice free hand, I was wrong. It burns so bad I couldn't sit or focus. I wound up doing some research on line and a bunch of people say that you should put milk on the affected area. So I'm here in my boyfriend's bathtub with a milk washcloth on my lady bits praying the burning will subside. I swear I'm never touching another jalapeño in my life!! I'm sorry for the tmi but I needed to share that with someone and hopefully no one else will go through what I've gone through tonight.