
Okay, I'll start this by saying I had this dream two nights ago and it was extremely vivid. Like, I woke up feeling like it really happened. The dream went like this: I had an appointment at the doctors but there was an emergency where my regular doctor had to help someone out of the transport helicopter, so I had to see this new doctor. She was running late because there was so much crap going on. When she came back I asked her for an ultrasound because I was like SUPER pregnant and hadn't had one yet. She agreed but had to call someone because she didn't know if the "typical" ultrasound tech was around and they didn't do them where her office was. She sent me to this weird house to get an ultrasound (not in the same building as her) and I had to carve a pumpkin before I could go inside. I went inside and she did an "ultrasound" and then I blacked out for a minute (apparently this lady was a witch). I woke up and kept asking where my photos were and she handed me these photos of me holding a new baby. It was a girl. Almost like my ultrasound predicted what it was going to look like after I had this child in my dream. I kept feeling like she was going to try and steal my baby or like kill us. Finally someone barged in and grabbed me and this lady disappeared and once I got outside, I turned around to see if maybe I could see her and this house was completely gone and it was just the pumpkin I carved sitting on a dirt path and I was still super pregnant.

Okay, so I go to the doctors office with my boyfriend today because we had broken up and he had slept with someone during that time and we just wanted to make sure everything was A-okay. Well, this doctor that I'm seeing starts asking me all of these weird questions about my reproductive history and then says "I think you need an ultrasound, but we don't do them here, so you'll have to go over to this building for the ultrasound. Let me see when they can get you in". Which is almost exactly what happened in my dream! I swear to the lord if she comes in here and says "they can squeeze you in today if you hurry!" I will die. I will fall over and die because that was also said in my dream. 😂