VVVFL then a negative? Could I be pregnant?


On Saturday I took a test and I saw a VVVVVVVVVVVFL (super faint), so faint that my DH did not see it and on certain screens you can't see it. I see it clearly though. I will attach pics to this post. I waited till yesterday (Monday morning) and took another test. It was negative. However, I've been having some symptoms. I've had nausea/vomiting almost every time I eat, I'm cramping really bad, sometimes I get a metallic taste when I drink water (bottled so it shouldn't taste bad) and when I eat random things, I tested up watching American Ninja Warrior last night and I can barely keep my eyes open. I feel like if anything my hormones are going haywire. Has anyone ever had a very faint positive, then a negative and ended up being pregnant? I have no idea what cycle day I'm on bc I haven't bled like an actual period since September of last year. Any advice is appreciated!