What to do?? Need some opinions...

Aubrey • I have two beautiful,healthy little girls. Now trying for baby #3
So I bought the cutest little maternity shirt to announce my pregnancy to my husband. It said "Coming this Fall" with two baby feet on the belly. I ordered it the day I found out I was pregnant. Sadly I had a miscarriage before it arrived. I had to tell my husband "I'm pregnant... But I'm having a miscarriage" it was awful. Anyway a few days later the shirt shows up. I threw it on a shelf in the closet and didn't think there was any chance I'd get pregnant soon enough to have another "fall" due date. To my surprise I did get pregnant and am now due late November. I can't decide whether I should wear the shirt or not.  Does that make me sound crazy? Lol I just feel weird about it. 

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