Advice needed in self soothe/cry it out


Alright mamas, my little man is 7.5 months old. He was sleeping through the night with one night feeding. I have always needed to rock him to sleep, and I'm now wishing I would have broke that habit sooner. He absolutely cannot fall asleep on his own, so queue the cry it out method. How long do you let them cry at this age before intervening? I'm also just at a loss right now, because he is teething so I feel awful letting him cry for too long. He's been getting up several times over night lately, I go in rock him back to sleep but than as soon as I lay him down he's up screaming and crying. He will only sleep well if he's in bed with my husband and I and I hate letting him sleep with us. Send me advice/suggestions! Anything! Sincerely, one exhausted mom.

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You just have to be 100% committed and 100% consistent and CIO totally works. The first night we laid our 6 month old down for bed drowsy but awake, and he cried for 45 minutes, finally fell asleep, then was up throughout the night. When he woke up my husband would just replace his pacifier and leave the room. Night 1 was really really hard, but each night got progressively better. I still do 2 dream feedings (nursing) at 11pm and 3am. He sleeps through the night now basically every night. Don't wait any longer! It will just get harder plus it is SO WORTH IT!!


Emmy • Aug 16, 2017
I wanted to say too that before we did CIO at night he would be up as many as 8 times throughout the night - it was getting out of hand. That's when we decided CIO was the only option! Have faith in your baby that he/she will be a quick learner and catch on! It only took our son a couple of nights to learn.


Emmy • Aug 16, 2017
Naps can be tricky! For morning nap we do a walk in our stroller. For late morning nap I will put him in his crib drowsy but awake, and he will cry. Before we did CIO for night time he would cry up to an hour, but after he fell into a night schedule he will only cry for 15 minutes tops. Then for our 3rd nap I will either do a drive in the car, another walk, or try the crib again. I have to make sure he is pretty tired too before any naps to take place - usually 2.5 hours between naps. Hope this is helpful!


Aryn • Aug 16, 2017
Do you do the CIO for naps as well?


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Here is what we did: We decided on our bedtime routine and did it to a T every night (Change diaper, jammies, bottle read story) then we put him in his crib. He would cry and we'd let him go for 3 minutes, go in and soothe him (made sure he had his pacifier, rubbed his back, dished, etc. We never picked him up though!) for a few minutes and left him again. If he continued to cry then we'd wait five minutes the next time. We kept doing this until he calmed down and fell asleep. We never had to let him go longer than 10 minutes. That only lasted 2 or 3 nights and he figured it out.


Meghan • Aug 16, 2017
Sushed not dished lol