My birth story

Vanessa Lizette • Wife💋 | Momma 👶🏽💞 | CJ Major ⚖️

Well I was so excited to go into labor (I know who is lol with the contractions). I was getting BH like crazy! But Lia never arrived. Went back to back to L&D; and ob appointments until my 39 week. He tells me she's been engaged to long & pelvic is to small that she won't fit. Next thing I know he says it's gonna be a c section tomorrow night. I left the room ballling. I didn't wanna hear anyone. I just didn't wanna be cut. Next day arrives and I'm dreading 2 pm. The hour I have to check in. It finally comes and I get to the hospital. They finally come to pick me up and take me into the OR. The nurse was so mean. I'm freaking out. And since it was 7. Visiting hours would be over before I came out, she was being so rude and instead of helping my mom calm me down. ( my mom kept telling me that they'd see me when I was out) she was such a bitch and said that no it couldn't happen and they weren't gonna see the baby either. and I had the worst panic attack of my life they put me on laughing gas to help out a bit. But when I saw my princess it got worse. 😞 they rush my husband and her out of there. Next thing I know I wake up in recovery with my dr not leaving my side. The only thing I'm thankful for is that it was after hours and he let me call my family in the lobby from his phone to tell them not to leave. He was gonna let them into my room when I got back. They let me know that they hadn't seen the baby and he went out of his way to make sure they saw her and met her. Then he and his assistant wheeled me back to my room and opened the lobby doors to come into the rooms for our family.

Anyways ,

Lianae Juliette was born August 2nd at 7:56pm