My birth story


Two days before my due date my husband blew up the old exercise ball and I started bouncing. I literally did everything to induce labor that I read online minus castor oil. The day before my due date I was having regular contractions. I called my mom to come pick up my daughter and we waited at home until they were about 10 minutes apart (we live an hour from hospital and my first labor was only 5 hours so we thought it would go quick) We get there and they check me and I was at 4cm. Contractions were regular. They had me walk around for an hour and check again but no progress was made so they sent me home. At my normal doctor appointment on my due date my doctor checked and I was now at 6 cm but baby still wasn't moving down. They sent me in and started me on pitocin. The contractions got stronger and closer together and still nothing was happening. I stayed at 6cm for 11 hours. Well they finally had my pitocin up to a 12 and at that point i felt I needed to pee. When I tried to stand up to walk to the bathroom the contractions hit so hard I had to sit back down. My mom had to walk me to the bathroom and keep rubbing my back. Well about 10 minutes after that my water broke and things really started speeding up. I was having back labor which was excruciating. Now I finally got to the point where i asked for pain meds. They gave me a shot of morphine. That really didn't help much with pain just made me dizzy like I was drunk. Then I asked for an epidural. Doctor checked me and said no way her head is right here. Three pushes later she was born. She is perfect. After she was born I began shaking uncontrollably and bleeding. I didn't get to hold my baby for nearly 2 hours. And I had to have a shot to stop the bleeding before I could go down to the recovery floor. Looking back it is definitely worth it and the pain really doesn't seem as bad once it's over. But it was intense.