A rant

Annaliisa • | wife | California livin | gypsy soul ☀️

So I'm not comfortable with my body at all. I've gained a lot of weight and I'm not proud to show it off. But we just moved and have the community pool literally in my back yard. Ive gone twice but I hate my body in a two piece. I really want to get a one piece but my hubby doesn't like them and thinks " I look sexy as fuck in a two piece" I told him I am not comfortable wearing that right now and he just doesn't really get it. He's our source of income right now so if says no then I can't order one :( kinda bummed out. ( I posted pics of the ones I want) what do you ladies think?

UPDATE; he agrees on the black one and is ordering me it. He knows I get self conscious so getting a one piece will boost my confidence.