39 weeks 5 days...How to pass the time?


My due date is August 18th and it looks like I'm going to be overdue. Just had my cervix checked and my doctor said she couldn't even get her finger in there. 😩 I've heard that things can progress quickly but I have a feeling that my little one isn't making any moves soon.

With that being said, she won't induce me until 1 week after my due date (Friday August 25) Of course they don't do inductions on Friday's so it won't be until Monday August 28th. I've tried every natural way to get the party started but nothing has worked. 😭

How do you pass the time? I've literally done all the laundry, set up the nursery and every piece of baby equipment I own, cleaned and scrubbed the whole house, binge watched Netflix, and I go to target literally everyday to just walk around.

I have people texting and calling me daily to see "how I'm feeling" "thinking about you". I get everyone is excited and anxious but I want to rip my hair out and go into hiding until this baby is finally born.

People keep telling me to relax, he'll come when he's ready, I went 2 weeks late. Etc. I finally went off on my stepmom and told her to stop calling me because it's making me angry talking about it at this point.

Anyone else feel slightly depressed and defeated?